Niveles en una Segunda Lengua

¿Quieres progresar en tu nivel de español? Escríbenos.

Los niveles en una segunda lengua varían según los conocimientos, competencias y destrezas que una persona tiene para comunicarse. Cada nivel representa el progreso en el dominio de la lengua.

¿Cuáles son los niveles en una segunda lengua y cómo se dividen?

niveles de segunda lengua a1

El nivel A1 es el primer nivel de habilidades y conocimientos básicos en la lengua que aprendes, es decir, eres capaz de comunicarte en situaciones cotidianas con expresiones de uso frecuente y utilizar vocabulario básico

Si tu nivel es A1, tú puedes

  • comprender y utilizar expresiones cotidianas de uso muy común, así como frases sencillas.
  • presentarte a ti mismo y a otros, pedir y dar información personal básica sobre tu domicilio, tus pertenencias y las personas que conoces.
  • relacionarte con conocimientos y habilidades básicas si tu interlocutor habla despacio y con claridad.

niveles de segunda lengua a2

El nivel A2 es un nivel en el que ya conoces las nociones más básicas de la lengua, así que acá ya manejas cómo comunicarte en pasado y presente.

Si eres A2, tú puedes:

  • entender frases y expresiones comunes (información básica sobre ti misma/o y tu familia, compras, lugares de interés, ocupaciones, etc.).
  • comunicarte cuando haces tareas simples y cotidianas tales como intercambios sencillos y directos de información sobre cuestiones que son habituales.
  • describir en términos sencillos aspectos de tu pasado y tu entorno y necesidades inmediatas.

niveles segunda lengua b1

El nivel B1 significa tener un cierto dominio sobre la lengua, es decir,  ya existe una fluidez para comunicarte sin demasiado esfuerzo con hablantes nativos como cuando empezaste a aprender.

Si eres B1, tú puedes:

  • entender los puntos principales de textos claros y en lengua estándar si tratan sobre temas conocidos para ti, (situaciones de trabajo, de estudio o de ocio, etc)
  • desenvolverte en la mayor parte de las situaciones que pueden ocurrir en zonas donde se habla la lengua.
  • producir textos sencillos y coherentes sobre temas interesantes y familiares para ti.
  • describir experiencias, hechos, deseos y aspiraciones; justificar brevemente tus opiniones o explicar planes.

niveles segunda lengua b2

En el nivel B2, ya puedes comunicarte con fluidez y confianza con los hablantes nativos. Conoces y manejas vocabulario variado y recursos lingüísticos complejos

Si eres B2, tú puedes:

  • Comprender las ideas principales de textos complejos sobre temas tanto concretos como abstractos, incluso si son de carácter técnico siempre que estén dentro de su campo de especialización.
  • relacionarte con hablantes nativos con un grado mayor de fluidez y naturalidad 
  • crear textos claros y detallados sobre diversos temas.
  • Exponer y argumentar un punto de vista sobre temas generales indicando los pros y los contras de las distintas opciones.

El nivel C1 significa que ya eres  competente con la lengua, es decir, estás capacitado para realizar tareas complejas de trabajo y estudio

Si eres C1, tu puedes:

  • entender una gran variedad de textos extensos y con cierto nivel de exigencia, 
  • expresarte fluida y espontáneamente sin mostrar esfuerzo para encontrar la expresión adecuada. Muy pocos errores cuando hablas.
  • usar la lengua para objetivo sociales, académicos y/o profesionales.
  • producir textos claros, bien estructurados sobre tópicos que pueden exigir cierta complejidad de pensamiento y coherencia.

El nivel C2 es nivel más alto del aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera/segunda lengua, es decir, estas capacitado para realizar tareas complejas de trabajo y estudio

Si eres C2, tú puedes:

  • comprender fácilmente prácticamente todo lo que escuchas o lees
  • reorganizar y presentar ideas coherentes y concisas sobre información  argumentos  de variadas fuentes
  • expresarte espontáneamente, con gran fluidez y con un grado de precisión que te permitirá diferenciar pequeñas diferencias de significado incluso en situaciones complejas.
El sistema referente y encargado de la clasificación de los niveles es el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCERL).

Los contenidos y conocimiento de los niveles en una segunda lengua, como el español, están organizados y estandarizados por el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas.




Bienvenida/o a The Other Way Spanish 🐦

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The main task of this work area is to develop didactic material and content for acquiring Spanish as a second language, testing the most recent theories on foreign language teaching (interlanguage, plurilingual and pluricultural competence, language acquisition). Simultaneously, it is dedicated to the Haitian migrant population, understanding language and communication needs in these sociological terms.

This material involves the preparation of classes, digital content, the teacher's manual and corresponding training, and writing an academic paper.

Ale Baeza

Ale Baeza is an experienced teacher in the instruction of Spanish as both a foreign and a second language. She has served as a teacher in various educational contexts with students of different nationalities and varied learning motivations, including Haitian migrants seeking cultural and employment integration in Chile.

Work experience
Alejandra has previously worked as an executive director of educational programs in Henry-Dunant Foundation in Santiago of Chile, and has served as co-director and researcher on three cultural projects funded by the Chilean Ministry of Culture and the Arts. These projects were dedicated to children and the local community, focusing on themes of local memories and audiovisual production.

Over the past years, she has dedicated herself to being a Spanish teacher in various contexts, both as a volunteer and in collaboration with institutions. Alongside her colleague, she has developed the educational space 'The Other Way Spanish,' where students from different nationalities learn through conversational, digital, student-centered, and Latin America-based approaches.

Academic Background:

  • AVE Global Tutor - Global Virtual Spanish Tutor, Cervantes Institute, Spain.

  • Portuguese as a Foreign Language Teacher, UNYLEYA, Brazil.

  • Bachelor's Degree in History and Politics from Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso, Chile.

Specialization Courses:

  • Fundamentals of Graphic Design, CoderHouse.

  • Body and Capitalism. A Diploma about decolonization and post-colonial theories, University of Santiago de Chile.

  • Public Policies, native nations and Human Rights, Henry Dunant Foundation.

This work area focuses on ensuring the optimal development of the entire digital component of the project by researching the main tools available, their installation, maintenance, and overall monitoring of the operation and use of the platforms for the Migrant Course and all its users. This work contributes to the democratization and extension of digital literacy for the migrant population.

The main tasks include content digitization and course and user management, based on Moodle and Wordpress.

Gyr Gallardo

Giselle Gallardo is a teacher with extensive experience in the instruction of Spanish and English as a foreign and second language. In recent years, she has specialized in full-stack development using Wordpress, Moodle and Reactjs, Giselle has developed the educational platforms: The Other Way Spanish and AulaTOW.

Work experience

Having immersed herself in the study of English teaching, she embarked on a musical journey for two years. However, recognizing that teaching was her ultimate calling, she has passionately devoted around 5 years to teaching both Spanish and English as a second language, co-founding The Other Way Spanish, and studying web development. Her overarching goal is to craft open educational tools, fueled by an unwavering commitment to democratize education for all.

In addition to her academic pursuits, she dedicated her time to meaningful volunteer work. She contributed to improving the infrastructure of Mapuche schools in the Bio Bio region of Chile, collaborated in the revitalization of Morro Moreno National Park in Antofagasta, Chile, and played a role in the reforestation efforts around "El Plateado" lagoon in the Valparaíso region. 

Academic background:

  • AVE Global Tutor - Global Virtual Spanish Tutor, Cervantes Institute, Spain.
  • TESOL course: “Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages”, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
  • English Teacher as a Second Language, Universidad de Playa Ancha de Ciencias de la Educación, Valparaíso, Chile.

Specialization Courses:

  • Diploma in Python programming, National Technological University (UTN), Argentina.

  • React Native Developer, Coderhouse, online education.

  • Front-end Developer, Coderhouse, online education.

This work area focuses on executive and logistical tasks to achieve the project's objectives. It involves planning actions, establishing and consolidating alliances with other public and private stakeholders, to identify spaces and material resources that facilitate the implementation of the Migrant Course and the promotion of the application within the Haitian community. At the same time, it is dedicated to supporting the production of didactic content, especially concerning the peculiarities of Kreyòl (Haitian Creole) and the sociological conditions of the Haitian community in Chile and Latin America.

The main tasks include building networks, co-working in article writing, translating and promoting the project, and executing the classes.

Djimy Delice

Djimy Delice is a sociologist dedicated to teaching Spanish and Haitian Creole, as a second language. He has worked as a Spanish teacher for migrants in Chile in various local policy contexts for the Haitian community. Additionally, he provides Kreyòl language classes for public officials working with this community.

Work experience:

Djimy has worked as a cross-cultural consultant for the Pedagogical Technical Department of the National Board of Kindergartens (JUNJI), addressing the topic of Linguistic Mediation from a bilingual perspective, among other responsibilities. He has served as the director of the Migrants Office at the Valparaíso Municipality, both institutions located in Chile.

He has also worked as a workshop teacher of Spanish for the Haitian community at the Migrants Office of the Municipality of Quilpué, using exclusively developed material by The Other Way Spanish. Additionally, he has provided Kreyól-Spanish translation services for the Public Defender's Office.

Currently, he runs a consultancy named "Anfans Crecer Creando" (Anfans Growing by Creating) where he works on and collaborates with bilingual educational resources for children.

Academic Background:

  • Creole-Spanish translator for the Public Defender's Office in the Valparaíso region.
  • Bachelor's degree in Sociology from the University of Arts and Social Sciences (ARCIS).
  • Master's degree in Migration, Human Rights, and Social Management from the University of Viña del Mar.

Specialization Courses:

  • Human Rights for Public Officials, National Institute of Human Rights (INDH), Valparaíso branch, 2017.

  • Human Rights and Migration, National Institute of Human Rights (INDH), Valparaíso branch, 2017.

  • Public Management and Human Rights, National Institute of Human Rights (INDH), Valparaíso branch, 2019.

  • Introduction to Human Rights Education, Observatory of Social Participation and Territory, Playa Ancha University, and National Institute of Human Rights (INDH), Valparaíso branch, 2019.

  • Specialization Diploma: Human Rights, Risk Management, and Public Policies for Disaster Prevention, 2018, Henry Dunant Foundation.

  • Diploma in Rights-Based and Community-Based Approach, Essential Approaches for Working with Children, Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso (PUCV), September 2019.

  • Diploma in the Construction of Territories for Good Living, Observatory of Social Participation and Territory, Playa Ancha University, January 2020.

  • Diploma in Digital Leadership in Social Inclusion and Access to Rights, School of Government and the Department of Social Inclusion (DIS) of the Secretariat for Access to Rights and Equity (SARE), General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS), May 2023.